Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's been too long

I finally got myself a new firewire thats compatible with my macbook!

So I'll have something up after a while, I'm so pumped to learn how to use final cut/after effects. Shout-out to Kyle for the help in attaining them

I'm on the job hunt. Hoping to have one to tell Kevin about when I come back to Iowa next weekend

I'm coming back next weekend for none other than the Stay Gold Premiere. It's going to be insane. If you're not there, you need to go buy some rope or something.

I checked out the new shop (finally!) last weekend. Its lookin good. SUBSECT FOR LIFE

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Long lost brothers...

New day, and dressed the same.. again
We were rolling deep that day, we also had the cooler full of drinks

I'm trying to get money for a firewire so I can start my videos up again. I'm going to Denver, Colorado with Carl, Lisa, and some others this week, so I'll have some footage from that!

I move to KC July 6th and start college on the 12th, wish me luck haha

Friday, June 4, 2010

Pretty pumped.

I'm typing this off of my new Macbook Pro. Big thanks to my parents (and everyone else) for the graduation gifts and wishes. Huge help, thank you.

But, macbook pro + final cut + me learning how to use it = more, better, video updates, hopefully haha

The "Short End of the Stick" crew is filming another video, been great so far. Awesome, its so sweet just going out and skating and racking up clips. So fun.

I'm also workin on an actual spot book. so send me some spots around des moines!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another skate day

Double views are the new black

Gotta peep that footy!

Had a run in with Johnny Law... so ridiculous. Two cop cars, and three people just to kick us out.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Almost here...

With only 7 days of high school left, I'm getting pretty amped on summer. Getting to skate all day long and just chill with the homies. Eating fast food all the time, filming, skating.. just having fun. Summer is going to be a blast.

But, I need to get a job and get some cash to fund gas, food, and my skateboarding. Any suggestions???

I've also been accepted to the Art Intstitutes International in KC, which I will be leaving for around the beginning of July. I'm going for film and video stuff. Should be tight!

I'll try and get some pics up from some skating and filming soon.


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Welcome to the Team, Cory Kennedy - aka Wonder Boy from RVCA on Vimeo.

I won't be doing much skating for a while for two reasons, I left my car unlocked and my board got stolen (along with my gps unit and ipod), and I cracked or bruised a rib by acting like an idiot and jumped onto the bounce house at skate south, got thrown off and landed on a bench on my chest. But I've been getting super hyped to skate, so I can't wait to get a new board and for my rib to get better. With only about a month left of school some summer montages should start popping up...