Monday, November 10, 2008

Brutality Premiere

Some people came geared up for the night

But everyone came to shred

Gabe K. - F/s 5-0

Zach S. - Switch Ollie

Preston - Kickflip
Anyway, it was a fun night. If you weren't there, you missed out on a good time. The night was filled with good skating, jam sessions, (and of course) the new thrasher video. Some things that went down (that I couldn't get pictures of cause my camera died.) were - Bryce did a b/s smith to back up Darren's blunt to fakie on the wall ride, Zach did a nollie f/s half cab over the yellow barrier as well as a switch kickflip b/s 50-50 on the hubba. There was a lot of gnarly things that came out that night. Be watching for the jam session videos, which were filmed with Carl's new Death lens. The session was epicly sick.
Well hopefully everyone is getting ready for November 22....

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