Sunday, January 25, 2009


Sessions still getting progressive!

And someone help me get better quality? I'm editing it with iMovie (on a mac) and exporting to quicktime, uploading it from that to a usb, putting it on a windows computer, and putting it on youtube? Am I leaving something out or doing something wrong??

Comment with answers or e-mail them to

Thank you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Skate southhh

Sessions have been illl! This is the session I think sparked it, click on the link and watch in high quality.

more montages comin!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Last night was a pretty sick session for me and my pals. We all either learned something new or got something on unlock. We were feeding of off each others hype. We just kept going and going for the tricks. It was tight, I want more sessions like that.

Some new stuff

Kyle - F/s lip the handrail, kf f/s board?
Johnson - B/s feebs, f/s feebs
Drew - F/s feebs
Bryce - I saw bryce trying nollie noseblunt??
Me - F/s 360 on flat and transition, switch f/s 360 on flat, and I'm workin on fakie lip 270 out, and f/s smith shuv.

I'm hyped for Wednesday.

Oh yeah, Kyle and I are starting a weekly update on here. We're going to film Saturdays, he'll take the tapes and edit something, give the edit to me via USB and I'll put it on here that night. So start checking for that. We filmed a little bit yesterday so check back Wednesday for the montage. It'll probably be on by 10 or 11 at night, depending on how long the video takes to upload.

Well thats it for now. Keep progressing, Peace

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally... a real update.

Here is a short montage of our (Bryce, Johnson, Kyle, and I) trip to Newton Aces Teen Club Skatepark. The trip was pretty fun. The park is small, simple, and pretty compact. The transition was different but I'm pretty sure everyone had fun. I know I did. Thanks again to Greg for having us and all our mayhem.