Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Such a bummer.

Well, on Monday Kyle, JD and I got in a car crash traveling down SW 9th.   We were driving towards downtown from Kyle's and a car pulled out of a parking lot without looking.  The road was wet so when I hit the brakes we slid into the of their car and "T-boned" them.  The air bags hit me and JD. Kyle was in the back without a seat belt on.  He hit his head on something and got a cut on his lip.  JD got bruised knees. And I got a cut on my knee. We're all fine.  My car is no longer though.     So I think the other guys insurance has to pay for a new one.  No one was hurt though, so thats good.    But as far as the car.... its a bummer right before summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Rolled ankles suck.
Happy birthday to Gabe Bauman
Congrats to Gabe Kaufman for his new born son Van!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ethan Allen

"You tryin' ta clear that??"

Looks like he's about to get the short end of the stick...