Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Such a bummer.

Well, on Monday Kyle, JD and I got in a car crash traveling down SW 9th.   We were driving towards downtown from Kyle's and a car pulled out of a parking lot without looking.  The road was wet so when I hit the brakes we slid into the of their car and "T-boned" them.  The air bags hit me and JD. Kyle was in the back without a seat belt on.  He hit his head on something and got a cut on his lip.  JD got bruised knees. And I got a cut on my knee. We're all fine.  My car is no longer though.     So I think the other guys insurance has to pay for a new one.  No one was hurt though, so thats good.    But as far as the car.... its a bummer right before summer.


Gabe Bauman said...

Dang...that sucks. But atleast everybody is ok. Good news can get an insurance check so you can buy a Honda.

Michael said...

Haha, are they good on gas? Cause that kia was only $17 to fill the tank haha

Gabe Bauman said...

The amount of $$$ it takes to fill the tank revolves around the price of gas for that day. It fluctuates. Any Honda Civic or Accord will yield great gas mileage.

You can get a used Honda Civic with decent miles for around $2,000-$4,000