Monday, October 26, 2009

Real demo!

So I was stupid and forgot to take pictures. But Kyle filmed it, and when he gets a video done, I'll put it on here.

It was super good. Everyone killed it. In my opinion though, Justin Brock, Davis Torgerson, and Peter Ramondetta did the most damage. Some things that come to mind are Brock's blunt to fakie on the vert wall, his f/s big spin over the center, his back tail shuv on the quarter pipe, and a a big tre over the center. Torgerson's nollie big heel, and big nollie inward heel over the stairs. Ramondetta destroyed the hubba and handrail set up, kickflip b/s tail first try on the hubba, kickflip f/s tail on the hubba, and a switch back lip on the hand rail. It was an awesome, fast paced demo. Definitely hoping to see these guys again.

Big thanks to Subsect, the REAL guys, and everyone who helped out with the event. It was sickkkk!

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