Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another skate day

Double views are the new black

Gotta peep that footy!

Had a run in with Johnny Law... so ridiculous. Two cop cars, and three people just to kick us out.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Almost here...

With only 7 days of high school left, I'm getting pretty amped on summer. Getting to skate all day long and just chill with the homies. Eating fast food all the time, filming, skating.. just having fun. Summer is going to be a blast.

But, I need to get a job and get some cash to fund gas, food, and my skateboarding. Any suggestions???

I've also been accepted to the Art Intstitutes International in KC, which I will be leaving for around the beginning of July. I'm going for film and video stuff. Should be tight!

I'll try and get some pics up from some skating and filming soon.