Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

South Montage

A little video I put together for a school project.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Subsect Strange World Premiere

Premiere of Zero: Strange World at Subsect.

Thanks again to Kevin and Subsect for putting this on. The video was sickk!

...on another note, I should have a skatesouth montage done soon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On the plus side

Sold some of my old stuff, made $175. Late skate at south/$lave video was sick. Hoping to get my camera back from the shop tomorrow after school. Got some new songs on my iPod. As soon as I get my camera back, I'm gonna try to have at least one video a week on here, but who knows. I'm watching some mac books on eBay, hoping to get one cheap haha. That's all I got for now

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5th

I finally have my camera in the shop, not quite sure what was wrong with it, my mom talked to the people and said it was some electrical switch that needed replaced. It's gonna cost me around $200. But I'm going to be happy to have it working again.

Also, tomorrow my parents are going to look at some vans for me, I'm hoping for a chevy uplander... hoping my restrictions aren't to bad from my accident as well...

If/when I get a new one, definitely going to be more careful.

I'd like to say thanks to my mom and dad (even though they probably won't see this) for being helpful, in getting a new vehicle and helping me with everything.

Also, on Friday, November 20th - Zero's new video (Strange World) will be premiering at Subsect

Supposed to be a sunny weekend. I'm hoping to take advantage of it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Real demo!

So I was stupid and forgot to take pictures. But Kyle filmed it, and when he gets a video done, I'll put it on here.

It was super good. Everyone killed it. In my opinion though, Justin Brock, Davis Torgerson, and Peter Ramondetta did the most damage. Some things that come to mind are Brock's blunt to fakie on the vert wall, his f/s big spin over the center, his back tail shuv on the quarter pipe, and a a big tre over the center. Torgerson's nollie big heel, and big nollie inward heel over the stairs. Ramondetta destroyed the hubba and handrail set up, kickflip b/s tail first try on the hubba, kickflip f/s tail on the hubba, and a switch back lip on the hand rail. It was an awesome, fast paced demo. Definitely hoping to see these guys again.

Big thanks to Subsect, the REAL guys, and everyone who helped out with the event. It was sickkkk!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where are the Wild Things?

If you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it.
It's flawless.
Great for anybody.

Not gonna lie, it was so good, I got teary-eyed...

Spike Jonze, you're a brillant man.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some stuff I would love to sell to you..

Fully Flared! $20
Emerica Bishops! $35

Samsung SC-DC173U Camcorder! $100 -Comes with carrying bag, extra battery, battery charger, and multiple blank discs!

Monday, September 28, 2009

This is ridiculous...

That's Zach Stowe, hope I spelled that right, but I found this on the dsm site...

It's retarded.


My latest art project. Super short. haha

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Film Fest. 2009

Where: Skate South
What: Film Festival, anyone can bring in their own skate videos and have them played on the big screen. (Make sure its on a DVD)
When: September 26th.
Why: Cause it's gonna be awesome.

I'm lookin forward to the DSM video, seen some stuff from it already and its pretty sickk. Hope to see everyone there. Bring a lady friend.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Small video. Just messin around

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Davenport Trip

Not very cool photos, but it was fun. I learned how fun just cruising around is, and even more fun when its fast. Skateparks are also AWESOME in the early morning.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's been a while..

Well, Hometown Heroes was rained out.. Tyler Sloan is going to X-games reppin the shop by paying his way. The Es game of skate is this Sunday at Skate South, starts at 2 p.m. be there early to register. The seven stair runway at the Ubandale Prk was finally expanded, and it's good.

For those who don't know, my camera is messed up, I have to send it in, and it's gonna cost about $300 to fix it. Kyle's filter is stuck on his so we can't film at night. I got a new job at the new pizza place by Subsect. It opens today, so come on in and harass the hell out of me! Haha, thats all for now. I'll try to get some more film mission pictures soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Such a bummer.

Well, on Monday Kyle, JD and I got in a car crash traveling down SW 9th.   We were driving towards downtown from Kyle's and a car pulled out of a parking lot without looking.  The road was wet so when I hit the brakes we slid into the of their car and "T-boned" them.  The air bags hit me and JD. Kyle was in the back without a seat belt on.  He hit his head on something and got a cut on his lip.  JD got bruised knees. And I got a cut on my knee. We're all fine.  My car is no longer though.     So I think the other guys insurance has to pay for a new one.  No one was hurt though, so thats good.    But as far as the car.... its a bummer right before summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Rolled ankles suck.
Happy birthday to Gabe Bauman
Congrats to Gabe Kaufman for his new born son Van!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ethan Allen

"You tryin' ta clear that??"

Looks like he's about to get the short end of the stick...

Monday, April 27, 2009


Went skateboarding with Kyle today. We went to St. Anthony's. One of us got a clip there. Thats all you get....


Monday, April 6, 2009

Hair is a nightmare

Gabe B. says my hair looks like this guys

And Gabe K. says my hair looks like this guys
(that picture of morrisey's hair is sickkkk!)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Three trick pony?

Whats your opinion?

(Needed an update, so just decided use this clip)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I just learned..

That I share a birthday with Mike Mo Capaldi. I think thats pretty sweet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The last couple days

Have been sooo nice out. Great to go skateboarding outside! Went filming got some stuff. Fun times!

What to do, what to do..

Hobos know how to live!

Even Kyle got stuff.

Drew Paul is one cool guy.

Stayed out as long as we could.

Warm weather is great.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pushin it.

Kids pushin his limits

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My next update..

Might be a while. Because I'm actually duing an art project with filming. I'm gonna film the next few sessions (Sessions 3/11, 3/14, 3/18, and possibly 3/21) for it. I'm hoping to make a 3-5 minute "artistic" montage. And I'll upload it ASAP. Might have a few small updates in between though. Because I know the 600 people that check this are depressed when they see no update. Haha

Can you name this spot? Or where its located? Just some trivia

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Get hyped...

Just stuff

Going through hell filming... Drew snorted blue powder.. thats a bloody nose

Gettin tricks for the video.. Get hyped!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another short montage

A couple clips from skate south.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Real Emerican Alien demo...

Watch in high quality. Pretty sick

Thanks to Kyle for editting it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sorry for the delay..

But this fucker took the tape with the demo footy on it... punch him in his stache next time you see him.

Haha. But I'll get the edit from him and post it ASAP.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Eat My Shorts..

Short montage. Whose hyped for this weekend??????!??!?!?!?

I am.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Sessions still getting progressive!

And someone help me get better quality? I'm editing it with iMovie (on a mac) and exporting to quicktime, uploading it from that to a usb, putting it on a windows computer, and putting it on youtube? Am I leaving something out or doing something wrong??

Comment with answers or e-mail them to

Thank you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Skate southhh

Sessions have been illl! This is the session I think sparked it, click on the link and watch in high quality.

more montages comin!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Last night was a pretty sick session for me and my pals. We all either learned something new or got something on unlock. We were feeding of off each others hype. We just kept going and going for the tricks. It was tight, I want more sessions like that.

Some new stuff

Kyle - F/s lip the handrail, kf f/s board?
Johnson - B/s feebs, f/s feebs
Drew - F/s feebs
Bryce - I saw bryce trying nollie noseblunt??
Me - F/s 360 on flat and transition, switch f/s 360 on flat, and I'm workin on fakie lip 270 out, and f/s smith shuv.

I'm hyped for Wednesday.

Oh yeah, Kyle and I are starting a weekly update on here. We're going to film Saturdays, he'll take the tapes and edit something, give the edit to me via USB and I'll put it on here that night. So start checking for that. We filmed a little bit yesterday so check back Wednesday for the montage. It'll probably be on by 10 or 11 at night, depending on how long the video takes to upload.

Well thats it for now. Keep progressing, Peace

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally... a real update.

Here is a short montage of our (Bryce, Johnson, Kyle, and I) trip to Newton Aces Teen Club Skatepark. The trip was pretty fun. The park is small, simple, and pretty compact. The transition was different but I'm pretty sure everyone had fun. I know I did. Thanks again to Greg for having us and all our mayhem.